List three kinds of jewelery that the greks wore? necklaces, rings, earrings, crowns
________ is a greek monster. Cyclops
Name a fact about the Ancient Greek Olympics? It was held in Olympia.
What two materials were Greek clothes made of? linen, wool
T or F Zeus had no kids. False
T or F Zeus and Posiden are brothers. True
T or F Men competed in their birthday suits during the Olympics. True
T or F Women could compete in the Olympics. False
What two items are Hades symbols? black animals, 2 pronged fork
Draw a picture of the Trojan War.
How many greek soldiers hid in the Trojan horse? 30
Name a God or Goddess. Zeus
What kinds of food did the Ancient Greeks eat? olives, lemons, lamb, garlic
__________ is a greek monster with 3 heads. Cerebus
Where did the Minatour live? In the labrynith on Crete
What two animals make up the Minatour? bull, human
What century did the Trojan War take place? 13th
What city-state is the current capital of Greece? Athens
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
6th hour Greek test
Greek Test 6th hour
Name one type of architecture- temple
Who are the big three gods? Hades, Zeus, Posiden
Name three sports from the ancient greek Olympics- running, discus, wrestling
_______is a demi-god with Zeus as a parent.- Hercules, Peruses,
Why did the Trojan War start? Helen, mortal beautiful woman, stolen from Crete/ Troy
Who was the battle of marathon between? Persians/ Spartans
What goddess won the “golden apple”? Aphrodite
What is the mythical creature that lives in the labyrinth? Minotaur
What is a labyrinth? Maze
Name three words that describe Sparta? Barbarians, Ares, thugs, battle
What is the biggest island in the mediterrean sea and use it in a sentence? Crete
What war lasted ten years? Trojan
What is the first island Odysseus went to? Circe island
How did Achilles become immortal? Dipped in river styx
What was Achilles weakness? Tendon
What country is Troy located in? Turkey
When did the Battle of marathon start? Sept 17, 450 bc
The Parthenon is the temple for which goddess? Athena
What is Hera’s sacred animal? Peacock
What is the current capital of Greece? Athens
Name one type of architecture- temple
Who are the big three gods? Hades, Zeus, Posiden
Name three sports from the ancient greek Olympics- running, discus, wrestling
_______is a demi-god with Zeus as a parent.- Hercules, Peruses,
Why did the Trojan War start? Helen, mortal beautiful woman, stolen from Crete/ Troy
Who was the battle of marathon between? Persians/ Spartans
What goddess won the “golden apple”? Aphrodite
What is the mythical creature that lives in the labyrinth? Minotaur
What is a labyrinth? Maze
Name three words that describe Sparta? Barbarians, Ares, thugs, battle
What is the biggest island in the mediterrean sea and use it in a sentence? Crete
What war lasted ten years? Trojan
What is the first island Odysseus went to? Circe island
How did Achilles become immortal? Dipped in river styx
What was Achilles weakness? Tendon
What country is Troy located in? Turkey
When did the Battle of marathon start? Sept 17, 450 bc
The Parthenon is the temple for which goddess? Athena
What is Hera’s sacred animal? Peacock
What is the current capital of Greece? Athens
Monday, December 20, 2010
1st hour Greek Test
Greek test 1st hour
1. What is Medusa’s hair made of?
2. What monster had 9 heads?
3. What monster guards the underworld?
4. What does Nike mean?
5. Who did Aphrodite prefer?
6. Name one of Zeus demi-god sons?
7. Who is the God of War?
8. How many years is an Olympiad?
9. What fruit was sent to the wedding party that had a tag “To the fairest”?
10. Who is the goddess of battle strategy?
11. Who was the most beautiful mortal to Paris?
12. What did the Olympic torch represent?
13. Why were the Olympics held?
14. T or F Men and women would compete in the same Olympics.
15. What is the boundary between life and death?
16. Who was Persephone mother?
17. Who was the Trojan war between?
18. Who was born inside the head of Zeus?
19. How many times did the river styx encircle Hades?
20. How many pounds did hoplite’s armor weight?
1. What is Medusa’s hair made of?
2. What monster had 9 heads?
3. What monster guards the underworld?
4. What does Nike mean?
5. Who did Aphrodite prefer?
6. Name one of Zeus demi-god sons?
7. Who is the God of War?
8. How many years is an Olympiad?
9. What fruit was sent to the wedding party that had a tag “To the fairest”?
10. Who is the goddess of battle strategy?
11. Who was the most beautiful mortal to Paris?
12. What did the Olympic torch represent?
13. Why were the Olympics held?
14. T or F Men and women would compete in the same Olympics.
15. What is the boundary between life and death?
16. Who was Persephone mother?
17. Who was the Trojan war between?
18. Who was born inside the head of Zeus?
19. How many times did the river styx encircle Hades?
20. How many pounds did hoplite’s armor weight?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Map is Due Tomorrow- Monsters!
Please make sure that your map is ready to hand in on Friday! We will be grading it in class!
We will be learning about Monsters and the Battle of Marathon.
1. Hydra- poison snake, has 9 heads- heads grow back when you cut them off
2. Minotaur- head of a bull, body of a man- King Minos of Crete- Maze
3. Cyclopes- one eye in forehead- Odysseus- makes lightning bolts for Zues
4. Medusa- hair of snakes, Athena made her ugly, turns you to stone if you look at her
5. Cerberus- guard dog of Hades, has 3 heads
We will be learning about Monsters and the Battle of Marathon.
1. Hydra- poison snake, has 9 heads- heads grow back when you cut them off
2. Minotaur- head of a bull, body of a man- King Minos of Crete- Maze
3. Cyclopes- one eye in forehead- Odysseus- makes lightning bolts for Zues
4. Medusa- hair of snakes, Athena made her ugly, turns you to stone if you look at her
5. Cerberus- guard dog of Hades, has 3 heads
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Classroom Olympics!!!
Today we will be hosting the classroom olympics! I hope you brought your competition face!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Ancient Democracy and Current Democracy/ Greek Map
1st form, pure
6,000 men only
met on the acropolis
voted by hand, on pottery
called "The Assembly"
75% or 3/4 of the world
every citizen
435- inthe house, 100 inthe senate
e-vote, or ballots
capital hill
18 years old
makes laws
big government
Map Directions
color land green
color water blue
label in black
What to Label on Front-
- Athens
-Mt. Olympus
- Aegean Sea
-Med. Sea
- Ionion Sea
- peloponnesian peninsula
- Attica penisula
- Crete
-Troy- "draw land for Turkey"
What to Label on Back
Choose 10 countries from the front key and color code them on the back with the capital and country name.
- Germany
- Ireland
-Greece is already black
1st form, pure
6,000 men only
met on the acropolis
voted by hand, on pottery
called "The Assembly"
75% or 3/4 of the world
every citizen
435- inthe house, 100 inthe senate
e-vote, or ballots
capital hill
18 years old
makes laws
big government
Map Directions
color land green
color water blue
label in black
What to Label on Front-
- Athens
-Mt. Olympus
- Aegean Sea
-Med. Sea
- Ionion Sea
- peloponnesian peninsula
- Attica penisula
- Crete
-Troy- "draw land for Turkey"
What to Label on Back
Choose 10 countries from the front key and color code them on the back with the capital and country name.
- Germany
- Ireland
-Greece is already black
Monday, December 13, 2010
Trojan War
Write down and answer theswe questions after you read about the Trojan War on page 10 in the Ancient Greece magazine.
1. What century did the Trojan War suppossedly take place?
2. The trojans thought that the horse would bring them _______ _________.
3. Who was the Trojan war between?
4. Draw a picture of the seige might have looked like.
1. What century did the Trojan War suppossedly take place?
2. The trojans thought that the horse would bring them _______ _________.
3. Who was the Trojan war between?
4. Draw a picture of the seige might have looked like.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Read greek Magazine/ Gods and Goddesses report
Read pages 1 and 2 in the greek magazine.
Write a vocasbulary word as a secret message using the greek alphabet.
Can you decipher the vocabulary word on the board?
AHPOA = agora
We have some student presentations about some specific greek gods/ goddesses/ demi-gods.
Here is a history clink called Clash of the Gods! Enjoy!
Write a vocasbulary word as a secret message using the greek alphabet.
Can you decipher the vocabulary word on the board?
AHPOA = agora
We have some student presentations about some specific greek gods/ goddesses/ demi-gods.
Here is a history clink called Clash of the Gods! Enjoy!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Greek Vocab #4
Helots- farmers that could not leave land- little better than slaves- ½ food payment to soliders
Polis- city...Annpolis, Minneapolis
Platoon- a group of soldiers
Phalanx- organization on the battle field where you protect the man next to you
Sparta- a city state- war focused- took children at age 7 and taught to be soliders
Polis- city...Annpolis, Minneapolis
Platoon- a group of soldiers
Phalanx- organization on the battle field where you protect the man next to you
Sparta- a city state- war focused- took children at age 7 and taught to be soliders
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Greek Vocab #3
Philosophy: Socrates, Plato, Euclid, Hippocrates- someone who thinks about thinking/examines their own beliefs/ challenges authority
Architecture: Parthenon- at the heart of the acropolis , marble temple to Athena
Orator- a person skilled at public speaking
Jury- a group of citizens who hear evidence and make decisions in a court of law
Commodity- a traded product : grapes, olives, metal work, pottery
Movie on History's Impact: The Impact of the Greek Scholars
Architecture: Parthenon- at the heart of the acropolis , marble temple to Athena
Orator- a person skilled at public speaking
Jury- a group of citizens who hear evidence and make decisions in a court of law
Commodity- a traded product : grapes, olives, metal work, pottery
Movie on History's Impact: The Impact of the Greek Scholars
Monday, December 6, 2010
#2 Greek Vocab
Agora- open area- town square- served as a place for meetings
Assembly- citizens gathering to vote on issues that concerned their cities- law-making body
Acropolis- a walled hill, where people could find safety
Athens- a city-state: poetry/peace, educated, farmers
Democracy- rule by the people- every citizen is allowed to vote on government issues
movie on : DVD History's Impact
Assembly- citizens gathering to vote on issues that concerned their cities- law-making body
Acropolis- a walled hill, where people could find safety
Athens- a city-state: poetry/peace, educated, farmers
Democracy- rule by the people- every citizen is allowed to vote on government issues
movie on : DVD History's Impact
Greek Vocab- The Land of Greece
Peninsula- an area of land that is nearly surrounded by water (3 sides…Flordia)
Harbor- a sheltered place along the coast for ships and fishing boats
Peloponnesus- main land greece’s peninsula – very mountainous
Crete- the biggest island in the Mediterranean sea- one day sail south
Phoenicia- ancient civilization in Lebanon
Student Made Geography Lesson
Harbor- a sheltered place along the coast for ships and fishing boats
Peloponnesus- main land greece’s peninsula – very mountainous
Crete- the biggest island in the Mediterranean sea- one day sail south
Phoenicia- ancient civilization in Lebanon
Student Made Geography Lesson
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
7th hour test- On Friday
7th hour ancient Egypt test
1. What continent is Egypt on? Africa
2. Name one Egyptian god/ess? Ra
3. Round to the Nile river to the nearest 1000- 4,000 miles
4. What is a canopic jar used for? Holds the internal organs
5. What was the purpose of the pyramid ? to be buried in it- tomb
6. How many canopic jars were there? 4
7. T or F The Egyptians took out the heart during mummification.
8. T or F the Egyptians believed in the afterlife.
9. Name two things the Nile did for the Egyptians- watered crops, drinking water
10. What is the difference between the Ankh and cross and draw them? loop at top
11. Who was the youngest king of Egyptians? TUT
12. How old was TUT when he became pharaoh? 8 or 9
13. Draw the three types of pyramids.
14. What is the book of the dead? helps the spirit in the after world
15. What type of crops did the Egyptians grow? Wheat, papyrus, onions, cucumbers
16. What is the first step to mummification? Removing internal organs
17. What river flows through Egypt? Nile
18. What did they use papyrus for? Shoes, baskets, paper
19. Who is the god of embalming? Anubis
20. Name an obelisk in Logan or America- Aggie A
1. What continent is Egypt on? Africa
2. Name one Egyptian god/ess? Ra
3. Round to the Nile river to the nearest 1000- 4,000 miles
4. What is a canopic jar used for? Holds the internal organs
5. What was the purpose of the pyramid ? to be buried in it- tomb
6. How many canopic jars were there? 4
7. T or F The Egyptians took out the heart during mummification.
8. T or F the Egyptians believed in the afterlife.
9. Name two things the Nile did for the Egyptians- watered crops, drinking water
10. What is the difference between the Ankh and cross and draw them? loop at top
11. Who was the youngest king of Egyptians? TUT
12. How old was TUT when he became pharaoh? 8 or 9
13. Draw the three types of pyramids.
14. What is the book of the dead? helps the spirit in the after world
15. What type of crops did the Egyptians grow? Wheat, papyrus, onions, cucumbers
16. What is the first step to mummification? Removing internal organs
17. What river flows through Egypt? Nile
18. What did they use papyrus for? Shoes, baskets, paper
19. Who is the god of embalming? Anubis
20. Name an obelisk in Logan or America- Aggie A
6th hour test- On Friday
6th hour test
1. Who did king tut marry? His sister
2. Round the nile to the nearest 1000- 4,000 miles long
3. Draw the 3 types of pyramids- step, bent, perfect
4. Describe Egyptian religion- polythestic, animal/human gods
5. Name one fact about Hapshepshut- trade
6. How many steps to mummification are there? 7
7. What age did king tut die? 18 or 19
8. What republic did Cleopatra marry into? Rome
9. What is a mummy? a dead animal that is perserved through a process of drying out the body and wrapping in in linen
10. T or F The sphinx is smaller than 500 feet.
11. T or F The heart goes into the canopic jars.
12. What organ was thrown away during the mummification process? The brain
13. Name one fact you learned about Egyptian Cats- they mummified them
14. How long was a body dried in salt /natron? 40 days
15. What is the cat goddess’s name? Basat
1. Who did king tut marry? His sister
2. Round the nile to the nearest 1000- 4,000 miles long
3. Draw the 3 types of pyramids- step, bent, perfect
4. Describe Egyptian religion- polythestic, animal/human gods
5. Name one fact about Hapshepshut- trade
6. How many steps to mummification are there? 7
7. What age did king tut die? 18 or 19
8. What republic did Cleopatra marry into? Rome
9. What is a mummy? a dead animal that is perserved through a process of drying out the body and wrapping in in linen
10. T or F The sphinx is smaller than 500 feet.
11. T or F The heart goes into the canopic jars.
12. What organ was thrown away during the mummification process? The brain
13. Name one fact you learned about Egyptian Cats- they mummified them
14. How long was a body dried in salt /natron? 40 days
15. What is the cat goddess’s name? Basat
1st hour Test - On Friday
Ancient Egypt Test 1st hour
1. How long is the Nile River? Over 4,000 miles long
2. T or F…The Nile has rich soil for growing plants.
3. What type of pyramids are located in Giza? Perfect
4. What type of stone is the sphinx made of? Limestone
5. What is a canopic jar? Jars that hold the internal organs of the mummies
6. What 4 organs go in the canopic jars? Stomach, intestines, liver, lungs
7. T or F…..The Egyptians left the heart in the mummy.
8. What does the book of the dead do? Helps the spirit in the underworld
9. Who are the main builders of the pyramids?
a. Pharaohs
b. Slaves
c. Aliens
10. What continent is Egypt located?
a. North America
b. Africa
c. Hawaii
11. What two animals are in the Egyptian sphinx? Human, lion
12. T or F…The Nile has rich soil for growing plants.
13. Draw the three types of pyramids
14. Name three pharaohs.
15. Describe the difference of clothes that the pharaohs and the slaves wore.
16. How many languages did Cleopatra speak? 9
17. What type of snake did Cleopatra kill herself with? Asp
18. What age did king tut became pharaoh? 9
19. Who found King Tut? Lord Caravon, Howard Carter
20. Who found the Rosetta Stone and what languages are on it? Jean Chamoplionne- greek, demotic, egyptian
1. How long is the Nile River? Over 4,000 miles long
2. T or F…The Nile has rich soil for growing plants.
3. What type of pyramids are located in Giza? Perfect
4. What type of stone is the sphinx made of? Limestone
5. What is a canopic jar? Jars that hold the internal organs of the mummies
6. What 4 organs go in the canopic jars? Stomach, intestines, liver, lungs
7. T or F…..The Egyptians left the heart in the mummy.
8. What does the book of the dead do? Helps the spirit in the underworld
9. Who are the main builders of the pyramids?
a. Pharaohs
b. Slaves
c. Aliens
10. What continent is Egypt located?
a. North America
b. Africa
c. Hawaii
11. What two animals are in the Egyptian sphinx? Human, lion
12. T or F…The Nile has rich soil for growing plants.
13. Draw the three types of pyramids
14. Name three pharaohs.
15. Describe the difference of clothes that the pharaohs and the slaves wore.
16. How many languages did Cleopatra speak? 9
17. What type of snake did Cleopatra kill herself with? Asp
18. What age did king tut became pharaoh? 9
19. Who found King Tut? Lord Caravon, Howard Carter
20. Who found the Rosetta Stone and what languages are on it? Jean Chamoplionne- greek, demotic, egyptian
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Pyramids, Tombs, Book of the Dead
The Evolution of the Egyptian Pyramid
What was the original purpose of the Egyptian pyramids?
What was the original purpose of the Egyptian pyramids?
Monday, November 22, 2010
The famous Pharaohs
We will be having student presentations about Cleopatra, King Tut, Ramese II, and Hapshepshut today.
If you are not here please read: Our World book page 96-101.
We made a web of the famous pharaohs in our notebook and listed their accomplishments.
Here are some videos to help:
If you are not here please read: Our World book page 96-101.
We made a web of the famous pharaohs in our notebook and listed their accomplishments.
Here are some videos to help:
Friday, November 19, 2010
Mummies and Mummification
7 Steps to Mummifiy
1. scramble brains, take out sacred organs and place in canopic jars, leave heart in
2. cover in salt (natron) for 40 days- skin will darken
3. cover in oil and resin wrap in linen
4. place amulets inside linen
5. put a picture of the face on top of the mummy
6. write name on mummy so they could identify it
7. have the funeral
Mummy maker game
Mummification video
1. scramble brains, take out sacred organs and place in canopic jars, leave heart in
2. cover in salt (natron) for 40 days- skin will darken
3. cover in oil and resin wrap in linen
4. place amulets inside linen
5. put a picture of the face on top of the mummy
6. write name on mummy so they could identify it
7. have the funeral
Mummy maker game
Mummification video
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sphinx, Cats, Canopic Jars
Acrostic Poem:
Sand erosion
Place- protects the pyramids of Giza
Huge- over 240 feet long!~ 66 feet high
Interesting, Iconic Statue
Not Young- 4,500 years old
X-tremely important to the Egyptian Culture
We will be measuring out the body, in our parking lot, to see how huge this statue is! It is as from our portable stairs to the stairs to the art room!
The main section of the body is 171 feet long; the total length including the paws, which stick out in the front, is 242 feet, with it reaching a height of 66 feet at the top of the head.
5 sentences
Sphinx is located below the pyramids at Giza. It is made of limestone. The body and head were cut from a single limestone rock. The paws were added on after. With the head of a human and a lion's body, it has guarded the site of the pyramids.for almost 4,500 years.
Canopic Jars
A student brought a cow liver for us to see and experience.
5 sentences
The Egyptians preparing the body would wash the liver, like the other organs, and prepare it using natron. Natron was a mixture of salt. The liver was placed in a canopic jar with top in the shape of a human head. The human head was to represent Imsety, one of the four sons of Horus. The goddess Isis protected this canopic jar.
The liver performs over 500 different functions! Your liver makes bile which travels from the liver into the small intestine, Your liver cleans your blood and Your liver makes and stores fuel.
Acrostic Poem:
Sand erosion
Place- protects the pyramids of Giza
Huge- over 240 feet long!~ 66 feet high
Interesting, Iconic Statue
Not Young- 4,500 years old
X-tremely important to the Egyptian Culture
We will be measuring out the body, in our parking lot, to see how huge this statue is! It is as from our portable stairs to the stairs to the art room!
The main section of the body is 171 feet long; the total length including the paws, which stick out in the front, is 242 feet, with it reaching a height of 66 feet at the top of the head.
5 sentences
Sphinx is located below the pyramids at Giza. It is made of limestone. The body and head were cut from a single limestone rock. The paws were added on after. With the head of a human and a lion's body, it has guarded the site of the pyramids.for almost 4,500 years.
Canopic Jars
A student brought a cow liver for us to see and experience.
5 sentences
The Egyptians preparing the body would wash the liver, like the other organs, and prepare it using natron. Natron was a mixture of salt. The liver was placed in a canopic jar with top in the shape of a human head. The human head was to represent Imsety, one of the four sons of Horus. The goddess Isis protected this canopic jar.
The liver performs over 500 different functions! Your liver makes bile which travels from the liver into the small intestine, Your liver cleans your blood and Your liver makes and stores fuel.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Egyptian Religion- How they dressed for Sam
Please read page 90 in our world text book.
Monothesitc:- belief in one god
Polythestic- belief in many gods
We made a Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting the religions Christianity and Ancient Egyptian.
one god
human son
younger than Egyptian
many gods
Book of the Dead
1/2 human 1/2 animal
older than christianity
After life
coming back from the dead
devoted people, controlled behavior
jealous brother killed brother
hid baby in the marshes
Religion even influenced how they dressed, wore make-up, and used perfume. Everything in their lives was influenced by religion.
Perfume creation
Monothesitc:- belief in one god
Polythestic- belief in many gods
We made a Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting the religions Christianity and Ancient Egyptian.
one god
human son
younger than Egyptian
many gods
Book of the Dead
1/2 human 1/2 animal
older than christianity
After life
coming back from the dead
devoted people, controlled behavior
jealous brother killed brother
hid baby in the marshes
Religion even influenced how they dressed, wore make-up, and used perfume. Everything in their lives was influenced by religion.
Perfume creation
Monday, November 15, 2010
Make Bingo Card- Review Vocabulary- Build the Nile
Please study your vocabulary words!
We are making a 'bingo card' in our notebook.
Fill in the Vocabulary Words in the sqaures.
Pick 5 additional words to fill in the blank spaces:
Free Space
We will be building a 3-D model of the Nile.
Answers found in The Gifrt of the Nile : Lesson 1 page 82.
How long is the Nile?
What direction does it flow?
What countries does it pass through?
What is the most fertile part of the Nile?
Another word for fertile soil is__________?
Farmers planted crops like:
We are making a 'bingo card' in our notebook.
Fill in the Vocabulary Words in the sqaures.
Pick 5 additional words to fill in the blank spaces:
Free Space
We will be building a 3-D model of the Nile.
Answers found in The Gifrt of the Nile : Lesson 1 page 82.
How long is the Nile?
What direction does it flow?
What countries does it pass through?
What is the most fertile part of the Nile?
Another word for fertile soil is__________?
Farmers planted crops like:
Last of the Ancient Egyptian Vocab- 1st & 7th Egyptian Language Presentations
hieroglyphics- Egyptian form of writing: could be letter based (like ours) , emotion symbols :) , or full ideas (a picture of a hippo represented a hippo)
Rosetta Stone- the rock that helped Egyptologist read hieroglyphics by translating Greek: discovered in 1800's by Jean Champollion
papyrus- the plant that Egyptians used for paper
fresco- a painting that covers an entire wall
scribe- an individual who is literate (someone who can read and write)
Rosetta Stone- the rock that helped Egyptologist read hieroglyphics by translating Greek: discovered in 1800's by Jean Champollion
papyrus- the plant that Egyptians used for paper
fresco- a painting that covers an entire wall
scribe- an individual who is literate (someone who can read and write)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Egypt Vocab Continued- Mini-Movies
Obelisk- a monument that is a rectangle with a pyramid on can see this monument in Washington DC
Sphinx- a mythological creature face of a human, body of a lion
quarry- is a type of open-pit mine from which rock or minerals are extracted
Lapis Lazuli- is a relatively rare semi-precious stone that has been prized since antiquity for its intense blue color.
Faience- pottery
The Obelisk
Quarrying Techniques
Sphinx- a mythological creature face of a human, body of a lion
quarry- is a type of open-pit mine from which rock or minerals are extracted
Lapis Lazuli- is a relatively rare semi-precious stone that has been prized since antiquity for its intense blue color.
Faience- pottery
The Obelisk
Quarrying Techniques
Thursday, November 11, 2010
5 New Vocab Words- Mini- Movie
Delta- the end of a river that drains into a large body of water, fan-shaped, rich in silt/fertile soil
Cataract- white water rapids on the Nile
Shaduf- a scientific device that allows water to be moved from the Nile to the irrigation canal
Innudation- the annual flooding of the Nile- happens from May-October
Lotus- an aquatic plant that has a pink flower, used in religious ceremonies
Why do you think the movie defined the Egyptian society as 'not scientific'?
Can you persuade us to think that this movie is wrong by thinking of examples where the Egyptians were making predictions, solving problems, measuring/observing natural cycles, doing research...?
Cataract- white water rapids on the Nile
Shaduf- a scientific device that allows water to be moved from the Nile to the irrigation canal
Innudation- the annual flooding of the Nile- happens from May-October
Lotus- an aquatic plant that has a pink flower, used in religious ceremonies
Why do you think the movie defined the Egyptian society as 'not scientific'?
Can you persuade us to think that this movie is wrong by thinking of examples where the Egyptians were making predictions, solving problems, measuring/observing natural cycles, doing research...?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
5 Egypt Vocabulary Words- Mini-Movie
Mummy- anything that was once living- not just humans, wrapped in linen- perserved
Canopic Jars- 4 sacred jars buried with the mummy that held their internal organs- liver, stomach, intestines, lungs
sarcophagus- a coffin, the more important you are the more coffins you got
pharaoh- king/ruler: belived to be halfgod/half man- could be a woman
pectoral- a necklace that covers the chest- made from gold, jewels
Canopic Jars- 4 sacred jars buried with the mummy that held their internal organs- liver, stomach, intestines, lungs
sarcophagus- a coffin, the more important you are the more coffins you got
pharaoh- king/ruler: belived to be halfgod/half man- could be a woman
pectoral- a necklace that covers the chest- made from gold, jewels
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece
You will be responsibile for a 3-D object in either Ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece. Today we will be deciding which topics by researching in the Main Computer Lab.
You will get your test back today. You can redo anything in the computer lab for a higher grade. Please post with your name.
You will get your test back today. You can redo anything in the computer lab for a higher grade. Please post with your name.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Celebration day!
Today we will celebrate the end of our unit- Around The World in 80 Days! I will be colelcting our responsibility test- parent signature
How fantastic!
If you are using this website to finish your test-
How fantastic!
If you are using this website to finish your test-
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The first part of our Geography test
1. I want you to post today reflecting on your own presentation. I want you to answer these questions in complete sentences:
Self reflection
Do you think that you taught a good country presentation to the class? Why or Why not?
What aspects of the 8ways will you improve on for your next presentation? How will you do it?
What else would you like to tell me about your presentation?
Do you feel I helped you as much as I could? Elaborate. What can I do to improve?
What was your favorite part about this geography unit? What else do you wish we talked about?
2. Please play these 4 games: Geography, practice geography, global coordinates, Who wants to be a millionaire. Each one of those scores will be included in your test scores. You can play them as many times as you want. The scores are due today- so don't get caught up on just one game.
Self reflection
Do you think that you taught a good country presentation to the class? Why or Why not?
What aspects of the 8ways will you improve on for your next presentation? How will you do it?
What else would you like to tell me about your presentation?
Do you feel I helped you as much as I could? Elaborate. What can I do to improve?
What was your favorite part about this geography unit? What else do you wish we talked about?
2. Please play these 4 games: Geography, practice geography, global coordinates, Who wants to be a millionaire. Each one of those scores will be included in your test scores. You can play them as many times as you want. The scores are due today- so don't get caught up on just one game.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Last day for presentations!
Oh it has been a wonderful unit!
Everyone has done such a terrific job!
Today- Jamacia 1st and 7th...England 6th
Everyone has done such a terrific job!
Today- Jamacia 1st and 7th...England 6th
Mexico 1st and 7th .....Italy 6th
Please take listening notes and write your 5 sentence summary!
Test on Thursday!
Test on Thursday!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Japan 1st and 6th.....Argentina 7th
Please keep up with your notes and summaries. They will be the first grades for the next term!
Study for your test! It is next Thursday!
Friday we will celebrate our end of the geography/culture unit- with watching Around the World in 80 days.
Study for your test! It is next Thursday!
Friday we will celebrate our end of the geography/culture unit- with watching Around the World in 80 days.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Brazil and Spain!
Let's understand and celebrate with a little Latin Flavor today.
1st and 7th are learning about Brazil
6th hour is learning about Spain
Each country needs at least 10 notes and a summary. They should be neatly organized in your notebook.
If you are challenging yourself with 15 notes and a summary that will earn you a B grade. If you are taking 20 notes and a summary that will be an A.
Please be studying!!! Our test is one week from today....
1st and 7th are learning about Brazil
6th hour is learning about Spain
Each country needs at least 10 notes and a summary. They should be neatly organized in your notebook.
If you are challenging yourself with 15 notes and a summary that will earn you a B grade. If you are taking 20 notes and a summary that will be an A.
Please be studying!!! Our test is one week from today....
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Study for the Test that is Next Week!
Please be studying the test that will be next week....on Thursday.
Everything on the test is in your notebook.
Presenting today:
Egypt 1st and 6th hour
America 7th
Everything on the test is in your notebook.
Presenting today:
Egypt 1st and 6th hour
America 7th
Monday, October 25, 2010
France 1st and 6th...Philippines 7th
Today we are learning about France in 1st and 6th hours....!
In 7th, we are learning about the Philippines! Mrs. Branscomb is coming to 7th hour! Yahoo!!!
Remember each presentations needs a summary and your choice of how many notes. (20, 15, 10)
There is only 6 more presentations left! Then we will take our test on this unit. Please decide weather you are going for an A, B, or See Me for the test.
Start Studying your notebook NOW!!!
In 7th, we are learning about the Philippines! Mrs. Branscomb is coming to 7th hour! Yahoo!!!
Remember each presentations needs a summary and your choice of how many notes. (20, 15, 10)
There is only 6 more presentations left! Then we will take our test on this unit. Please decide weather you are going for an A, B, or See Me for the test.
Start Studying your notebook NOW!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Peer Group Assessment
Please create one of these surveys for each member of your country group. You will hand this in.
Your Name: ____________
The Person you are Evaluating______________
Commitment to group goals 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Level of Participation 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Quality of Work Produced 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Meeting deadlines 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Working together as a Group 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Would you want to work with them again 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Defend you thinking: (5 sentences)
Please remember to keep your notebook organized and complete.
20 notes for an A, 15 notes for a B, and 10 notes for a C
Every presentation must have a 5 sentence summary.
1st hour- Russia
6th hour- Greece
7th hour- Spain
Your Name: ____________
The Person you are Evaluating______________
Commitment to group goals 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Level of Participation 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Quality of Work Produced 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Meeting deadlines 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Working together as a Group 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Would you want to work with them again 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Defend you thinking: (5 sentences)
Please remember to keep your notebook organized and complete.
20 notes for an A, 15 notes for a B, and 10 notes for a C
Every presentation must have a 5 sentence summary.
1st hour- Russia
6th hour- Greece
7th hour- Spain
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
All hours today are reporting on Germany...!
Remember each country needs at least 10 notes for a C, 15 notes, for a B, 20 notes for an A.
Every country report REQUIRES a summary.
Remember to bring your map to class everyday to plot the countries that your class is reporting on.
Remember each country needs at least 10 notes for a C, 15 notes, for a B, 20 notes for an A.
Every country report REQUIRES a summary.
Remember to bring your map to class everyday to plot the countries that your class is reporting on.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Argentina- Netherlands- Map handout
We have started our presentations that we have been working on in class. Argentina (1st hour) did an amazing job! Way to go and break the ice...
Netherlands (6th hour) was fantastic! We got to eat some fantastic carmel waffles and play a round of soccer. Very creative!!!
As for the assignments we are working on our listening skills, writting notes, and every country report has a summary due.
If the student is going for an A on their notes - they must take 20
B on their notes - they must take 15
C on their notes - they must take 10
I will be updating links for notes if any student is absent! They can always google information/ ask any student as well.
I also handed out the Map to locate the countries that we are learning about. Please help your student keep this! They will turn this in after our unit is completed!
Responsibility Educates!
Netherlands (6th hour) was fantastic! We got to eat some fantastic carmel waffles and play a round of soccer. Very creative!!!
As for the assignments we are working on our listening skills, writting notes, and every country report has a summary due.
If the student is going for an A on their notes - they must take 20
B on their notes - they must take 15
C on their notes - they must take 10
I will be updating links for notes if any student is absent! They can always google information/ ask any student as well.
I also handed out the Map to locate the countries that we are learning about. Please help your student keep this! They will turn this in after our unit is completed!
Responsibility Educates!
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Arab World
The Arab World was a movie that Ms. Nanna showed us because only one group out of all the classes choose a country in the middle east. The Arab World is pretty much the Middle East. America has been fighting a war there on and off for last 20 years. The main religion there is Islam. People who believe in Islam believe in Allah, Muhammad, Koran, and are called Muslims.
30 notes for an A
1. middle east
2. desert
3. hot, dry, mountians
4. muslims practice islam
5. Koran is there holy book
6. Friday is the holy day
7. where civilization started
8. first written language
9. Muhammad is like their Jesus
10. Allah is like their God
11. girls cover their hair
12. girls and boys are viewed differently in their society
13. 1.5 billion Muslims world wide
14. muslim means- submit to god
15. Islam governs politics
16. pray 5 times a day and face Mecca
17. Ramadan is a major holiday
18. Red Sea
19. Mediterrian Sea
20. Sahara Desert
21. "Middle East" nickname began after WWII
The Arab World was a movie that Ms. Nanna showed us because only one group out of all the classes choose a country in the middle east. The Arab World is pretty much the Middle East. America has been fighting a war there on and off for last 20 years. The main religion there is Islam. People who believe in Islam believe in Allah, Muhammad, Koran, and are called Muslims.
30 notes for an A
1. middle east
2. desert
3. hot, dry, mountians
4. muslims practice islam
5. Koran is there holy book
6. Friday is the holy day
7. where civilization started
8. first written language
9. Muhammad is like their Jesus
10. Allah is like their God
11. girls cover their hair
12. girls and boys are viewed differently in their society
13. 1.5 billion Muslims world wide
14. muslim means- submit to god
15. Islam governs politics
16. pray 5 times a day and face Mecca
17. Ramadan is a major holiday
18. Red Sea
19. Mediterrian Sea
20. Sahara Desert
21. "Middle East" nickname began after WWII
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Arab World
We are going to start learning about cultures today!
I am showing you a movie that is 20 minutes long on the ARAB WORLD.
Please take 30 notes for an A, 20 notes for a B, 15 notes for a C.
A summary is due at the end of the notes.
I am showing you a movie that is 20 minutes long on the ARAB WORLD.
Please take 30 notes for an A, 20 notes for a B, 15 notes for a C.
A summary is due at the end of the notes.
Questions on Test #4
Culture- no culture is better or worse than another culture: EQUALITY
is the way people live- lnaguage, beliefs, occupations, activities, arts
culture is not bound by geography- is can cross oceans!!
Draw a map of the World.
prime meridian
4 major oceans
7 contintents
Nile, Mississippi, Amazon rivers
is the way people live- lnaguage, beliefs, occupations, activities, arts
culture is not bound by geography- is can cross oceans!!
Draw a map of the World.
prime meridian
4 major oceans
7 contintents
Nile, Mississippi, Amazon rivers
Monday, October 11, 2010
Questions #3
Geography- the study of the Earth, how it shapes peoples lives and how people shape the Earth through their activities. Earth is seperated into regions. Regions are usually marked by physical boundries.
example- North American contintent is a region. Inside North America, the Rocky Mountians are another smaller region....
Key Words: location, place, maps,
climate- pattern of weather over a long period of time...another way we organize regions.
People have changed geography by: building buildings, blowing up mountains to make a road, polluting....
example- North American contintent is a region. Inside North America, the Rocky Mountians are another smaller region....
Key Words: location, place, maps,
climate- pattern of weather over a long period of time...another way we organize regions.
People have changed geography by: building buildings, blowing up mountains to make a road, polluting....
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Questons for the test #2
What are the world's top three religions?
Islam, Christianity, Hindu
What is an Asian eating cutom?
chopsticks, eat on floor, shoes off, share a family dish
What is the largest country in the world?
Islam, Christianity, Hindu
What is an Asian eating cutom?
chopsticks, eat on floor, shoes off, share a family dish
What is the largest country in the world?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Learn these for the Country Test
An analogy is a form of speech that compares on item to another....
A map is to ___________ as the globe is to ____________.
beach blanket beach ball
basketball court basket ball
Excavate is to __________ as _____________ is to passing down history by word of mouth.
dig up Oral History
One holiday that is purley American is________________.
July 4th
MLK civil rights
president's day
Thanksgiving (now canada adopted)
A map is to ___________ as the globe is to ____________.
beach blanket beach ball
basketball court basket ball
Excavate is to __________ as _____________ is to passing down history by word of mouth.
dig up Oral History
One holiday that is purley American is________________.
July 4th
MLK civil rights
president's day
Thanksgiving (now canada adopted)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
GPS= Global Coordinates
Think and brainstorm in your country groups....
What do humans keep track of with the help of satellites?
Global coordinates - are when the lines of latitude and longitude cross to find a specific place on Earth
What do humans keep track of with the help of satellites?
Global coordinates - are when the lines of latitude and longitude cross to find a specific place on Earth
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Santa wears a Speedo???
Did you know that in the southern hemisphere- during Christmas- it is hot??? Bbq, beaches, swimsuits!
Earth has the four seasons because of the tilt of the axis is at 23.5 degrees. In other terms- Earth sits on it's side while it spins through the cosmos.
The Suns light hits the Earth directly and indirectly- warming some spots more than others....
Because of this tilt- hoildays around the world look and feel different everywhere. Culture is directly affected becuase of space...WOW!
Earth has seasons because of the tilt of the axis
Earth has the four seasons because of the tilt of the axis is at 23.5 degrees. In other terms- Earth sits on it's side while it spins through the cosmos.
The Suns light hits the Earth directly and indirectly- warming some spots more than others....
Because of this tilt- hoildays around the world look and feel different everywhere. Culture is directly affected becuase of space...WOW!
Earth has seasons because of the tilt of the axis
Monday, September 27, 2010
Where in the World???
hemisphere- hemi means half/ sphere is 3-D shape like the globe...the world can be split into 4 hemispheres....N, S, E, W
quadrant- quad means four... the world can be split into NW, SW, SE, NE...
equator- 0 degrees... hot climate- splits the world into N and S
prime meridian- 0 degrees--- connects the poles through England- splits the world into E and W
latitude- imaginary lines on the Earth that help measure distance- "fatitude" like the world's belt....equator is an example....
longitude- imaginary lines on the Earth that help measure distance- These lines go up and down measure east to west.. Prime Meridian is an example
quadrant- quad means four... the world can be split into NW, SW, SE, NE...
equator- 0 degrees... hot climate- splits the world into N and S
prime meridian- 0 degrees--- connects the poles through England- splits the world into E and W
latitude- imaginary lines on the Earth that help measure distance- "fatitude" like the world's belt....equator is an example....
longitude- imaginary lines on the Earth that help measure distance- These lines go up and down measure east to west.. Prime Meridian is an example
Friday, September 24, 2010
Country Reports research day
Plese use your time wisely!!
We will be spliting up into three groups- Creative group, library group, and computer lab group.
We will be spliting up into three groups- Creative group, library group, and computer lab group.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Review for Test tomrrow- Get country requirements/new group
Please study for your test tomorrow!!!
We also got our new country groups and requirements. We chose the country that we are going to present on.
As a class we decided that we like presentations that had:
Everything should be done in class except the food. If everyone in your group is having trouble with that requirement...please talk to me and I will make sure that you are successful!!!
We also got our new country groups and requirements. We chose the country that we are going to present on.
As a class we decided that we like presentations that had:
Everything should be done in class except the food. If everyone in your group is having trouble with that requirement...please talk to me and I will make sure that you are successful!!!
Lascaux Cave
Please take five notes on this presentation.
- it is in France
-found by two little boys walking their dog
- over 25,000 years old
- mostly is covered in animals like cattle, humans, birds
- people used it for shelter
- it is in France
-found by two little boys walking their dog
- over 25,000 years old
- mostly is covered in animals like cattle, humans, birds
- people used it for shelter
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The Beginning of Agriculture
The New Stone Age
- domisticated animals for wool, milk, meat
- started farming
- had enough food to create a surplus
Catal Huyuk
- first place with leisure time
- name of the first settlement found
Crafts and Trade
- painted walls
- traded obsidean for wood
- made pots
Catal huyuk is the name of the first settlement that has been found by archeaologist. The had enough food stored to allow the inhabitants to be creative. They painted their walls, made jewerly, and pots. They traded their goods with other people. It was interesting to learn that their enterences to their houses were on the roof.
- domisticated animals for wool, milk, meat
- started farming
- had enough food to create a surplus
Catal Huyuk
- first place with leisure time
- name of the first settlement found
Crafts and Trade
- painted walls
- traded obsidean for wood
- made pots
Catal huyuk is the name of the first settlement that has been found by archeaologist. The had enough food stored to allow the inhabitants to be creative. They painted their walls, made jewerly, and pots. They traded their goods with other people. It was interesting to learn that their enterences to their houses were on the roof.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Stone Age Technology
Stone and Bone
- spears, arrows, bows, clubs
- bone to use in houses to make them more stable
- cleaning hides for clothes
Special Tools
- fire and shelter
- metal...mostly copper
- adapting to the envrionment/ their brain
Flaking- the system of shaping a stone to become a weapon
technology- any tool that makes human life easier
Today we learned about Stone Age Technology. I learned that technology is more than just electronics. Technology is any tool or invention that maked human life easier. Cave Men used their environment. They knew that they could shape their rocks into weapons by using a term called FLAKING. They also started using special tools like fire, shelter, and metal.
- spears, arrows, bows, clubs
- bone to use in houses to make them more stable
- cleaning hides for clothes
Special Tools
- fire and shelter
- metal...mostly copper
- adapting to the envrionment/ their brain
Flaking- the system of shaping a stone to become a weapon
technology- any tool that makes human life easier
Today we learned about Stone Age Technology. I learned that technology is more than just electronics. Technology is any tool or invention that maked human life easier. Cave Men used their environment. They knew that they could shape their rocks into weapons by using a term called FLAKING. They also started using special tools like fire, shelter, and metal.
Early People
People of the Stone Age
- Paleolithic Era- fancy adult language for this time period
- Tanzania, Africa
- 70,000 years ago
Stone Tools
-sharp edged stones
- 12,000 years ago
- technology is a tool
- Africa, France, Spain
- Border cave and Blombos
- art on walls of everyday life
- beads
- sea shells
- caring deeply about life because they buried their dead
- Paleolithic Era- fancy adult language for this time period
- Tanzania, Africa
- 70,000 years ago
Stone Tools
-sharp edged stones
- 12,000 years ago
- technology is a tool
- Africa, France, Spain
- Border cave and Blombos
- art on walls of everyday life
- beads
- sea shells
- caring deeply about life because they buried their dead
Monday, September 13, 2010
Learning About the Past/ Big Ideas
Today we have two presentations!!!
Please be respectful of our presenters today.
Learning About the Past
Here is an outline of what we are covering. Please read pages 14-15 for this presentations information.
1. sources- anything that provides information
2. oral history- stories that are told not written down
3. artifacts- objects made by people
4. primary sources- I stories- first hand accounts of historical events
5. secondary sources- text books- 3rd person stories
6. archaeologist- a job that finds artifacts
7. excavate- to dig up
Big Ideas About The Stone Age
Here is an outline for what we are covering. Please read pages 28-29 for this presentations information.
Early People:
People ans Technology:
The Agriculture Revolution:
Please be respectful of our presenters today.
Learning About the Past
Here is an outline of what we are covering. Please read pages 14-15 for this presentations information.
1. sources- anything that provides information
2. oral history- stories that are told not written down
3. artifacts- objects made by people
4. primary sources- I stories- first hand accounts of historical events
5. secondary sources- text books- 3rd person stories
6. archaeologist- a job that finds artifacts
7. excavate- to dig up
Big Ideas About The Stone Age
Here is an outline for what we are covering. Please read pages 28-29 for this presentations information.
Early People:
People ans Technology:
The Agriculture Revolution:
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Cue Card Creation- Role Play presentation- Creative Time
Today we are making our cue cards for our Stone Age Presentation. They have to say at least 5 sentences about their topic. They can copy exactly out of the textbook if they are having trouble coming up with ideas on their own.
After we make our cue cards we will Role Play a fake presentation. Practice, Practice Practice those 8ways to give a good presentation.
Creative time working on poster.
One day left to work in class. Presentations start Monday.
After we make our cue cards we will Role Play a fake presentation. Practice, Practice Practice those 8ways to give a good presentation.
Creative time working on poster.
One day left to work in class. Presentations start Monday.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
last 4 ways to give a wonderful presentation- vocab pre-test
Movement- walk around the stage! Please don't stand still. It isn't natural for humans to be statues.
Nonwords- "like, ummmm...., uhhh" it shows the audience that you did not practice.
Speaking pace/volume- not to fast, not to slow....speak as clear as you can
Pauses- no longer than 5 seconds. think about dramatic pauses to gain the audiences attention.
See me for a Vocab pre-test. 20 questions. multiple choice
Nonwords- "like, ummmm...., uhhh" it shows the audience that you did not practice.
Speaking pace/volume- not to fast, not to slow....speak as clear as you can
Pauses- no longer than 5 seconds. think about dramatic pauses to gain the audiences attention.
See me for a Vocab pre-test. 20 questions. multiple choice
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
4 out of the 8 ways to give a good presentation
How to give a Good Presentation
Energy- Most of us prefer to watch a presentaion where the speaker is clearly making an effort to connect with the audience. Energy comes out a vocal variety, gestures, and facial expressions helping you show passion and gain positive listener response. Energy is also a great mask effectively covering up nervousness and other distractions.
Eye Contact- maintain eye contact with indivudual audience members long enough to complete you thought (3-5 seconds), rather than shiting your gaze from side to side.
Hand Gestures- use natural movements of your arms, hands and body to emphasize your mainpoints. Aviod actions such as crossing arms or putting your hands on your hips.
Facial Expressions- Use smiles, frowns, and other varied expressions to keep your audience engaged. Take tips from stage actors: the bigger the audience the bigger your expressions.
3 creative days left to put together your poster presentation!
Presentation Dates:
Monday -Sept 13- Big Ideas/ Learning About the Past
Tuesday- Sept 14- Lesson 1 page 30- 35
Wednesday- Sept 15- Lesson 2 page 39-41
Thursday- Sept 16- Lesson 3- page 45-49
Friday- Sept 17 Lascaux Cave/ technology group/ research in computer lab
Energy- Most of us prefer to watch a presentaion where the speaker is clearly making an effort to connect with the audience. Energy comes out a vocal variety, gestures, and facial expressions helping you show passion and gain positive listener response. Energy is also a great mask effectively covering up nervousness and other distractions.
Eye Contact- maintain eye contact with indivudual audience members long enough to complete you thought (3-5 seconds), rather than shiting your gaze from side to side.
Hand Gestures- use natural movements of your arms, hands and body to emphasize your mainpoints. Aviod actions such as crossing arms or putting your hands on your hips.
Facial Expressions- Use smiles, frowns, and other varied expressions to keep your audience engaged. Take tips from stage actors: the bigger the audience the bigger your expressions.
3 creative days left to put together your poster presentation!
Presentation Dates:
Monday -Sept 13- Big Ideas/ Learning About the Past
Tuesday- Sept 14- Lesson 1 page 30- 35
Wednesday- Sept 15- Lesson 2 page 39-41
Thursday- Sept 16- Lesson 3- page 45-49
Friday- Sept 17 Lascaux Cave/ technology group/ research in computer lab
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What is a Current Event?
A current event is a newspaper article presentation. You can use the paper that I provide in class, the internet, or TV! You need 4 current event mini-presentations before the semester ends in DECEMBER. I will not assign a specific day for your presentations. Just let me know when you have found an article you like and I will fit you into our schedule.
Please tell us about:
Who the article is about
What the article is about
Where it takes place and point to it on the map
When it took place
Why you choose it
How does it make you feel
Open the discussion to the class about solutions or connections
We got our first group presentations about the STONE AGE!
Please tell us about:
Who the article is about
What the article is about
Where it takes place and point to it on the map
When it took place
Why you choose it
How does it make you feel
Open the discussion to the class about solutions or connections
We got our first group presentations about the STONE AGE!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tracing Our Roots
Please open up the text to page 19. Read.
Intelligent Design:
The Evolution of Homer
While watching this 1:30 clip- please make a list of the changes that Homer goes through.
Summarize in 5 sentences what we discussed today.
Finish presenting partners- take notes!
Intelligent Design:
The Evolution of Homer
While watching this 1:30 clip- please make a list of the changes that Homer goes through.
Summarize in 5 sentences what we discussed today.
Finish presenting partners- take notes!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Aug. 30th
World Languages
Please open an OUR WORLD text book to page 7. In the top left hand corner you will see some data about language. In y our THINK ABOUT JOURNAL create a bar graph about that data.
Graph in Millions
Mandrian Chinese- 8.85
Spanish- 3.32
English- 3.32
Bengali- 1.89
Hindi- 1.82
Portugeses- 1.7
Think About This:
Should our world only have one language? Why or Why Not.
Current Events - Doggie Day Spa
Finish presenting Acrostic poems, get to know you, take notes on peers
Please open an OUR WORLD text book to page 7. In the top left hand corner you will see some data about language. In y our THINK ABOUT JOURNAL create a bar graph about that data.
Graph in Millions
Mandrian Chinese- 8.85
Spanish- 3.32
English- 3.32
Bengali- 1.89
Hindi- 1.82
Portugeses- 1.7
Think About This:
Should our world only have one language? Why or Why Not.
Current Events - Doggie Day Spa
Finish presenting Acrostic poems, get to know you, take notes on peers
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Please finish your Get to Know You Funsheet with your acrostic poem on the back of your name. Points for coloring, creativity, and neatness.
Tomorrow we will be pairing up and presenting these acrostic poems.
Make sure you are proud to show off your work.
Don't forget to bring a spiral notebook! Due Monday.....
Tomorrow we will be pairing up and presenting these acrostic poems.
Make sure you are proud to show off your work.
Don't forget to bring a spiral notebook! Due Monday.....
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
We will be covering the HISTORY OF THE WORLD!!!!
AUG- Get to know you- Cavemen
SEPT- geography/ country reports
Oct- Ancient Egypt/ Greece
Nov- Ancient China/ Mongols
Dec- Middle Ages
Jan- Renassiance
Feb- Exploration/ Ancient Inca, Maya, Aztec
March- Immigration
April- Decades 1900-1950
May- Decades 1960- current
June- Global Affairs
AUG- Get to know you- Cavemen
SEPT- geography/ country reports
Oct- Ancient Egypt/ Greece
Nov- Ancient China/ Mongols
Dec- Middle Ages
Jan- Renassiance
Feb- Exploration/ Ancient Inca, Maya, Aztec
March- Immigration
April- Decades 1900-1950
May- Decades 1960- current
June- Global Affairs
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