One Bizarre Day in Our Class
· Beyond Poster/Booth
o 3-D-Unique Features
o Scrapbooked
o Colorful Title-subtitles, content, captions
o Organized
o Names of Creators
o Colorful
o Personality
o Crowd Impact
· Content for Beyond Poster
o Poster must have 6 captions. A caption is at least 5 sentences. Typed up- and large enough font to read from a distance.
o 6 subtitles- larger font than caption
o 6 pictures that support your caption
o Must be related to one in-depth Middle Ages concept
o Vocabulary words defined
o Border
· Booth Goods
o Interactive learning experience that quizzes the player about the captions
o Played quickly, not messy, easy to set up again
· Dress-up
o Medival clothing that matches your poster.
o Group needs to look like a group.
· Group Work
o Treat others with dignity and respect
o One person must always be at booth
o Everyone must have a chance to walk around the bizarre
If you need to get a hold of me I will be available every day at Spring Creek until 3.
Names of Creators:
Title of Topic___________________________________________