Monday, September 13, 2010

Learning About the Past/ Big Ideas

Today we have two presentations!!!
Please be respectful of our presenters today.

Learning About the Past

Here is an outline of what we are covering. Please read pages 14-15 for this presentations information.

1. sources- anything that provides information
2. oral history- stories that are told not written down
3. artifacts- objects made by people
4. primary sources- I stories- first hand accounts of historical events
5. secondary sources- text books- 3rd person stories
6. archaeologist- a job that finds artifacts
7. excavate- to dig up

Big Ideas About The Stone Age

Here is an outline for what we are covering. Please read pages 28-29 for this presentations information.

Early People:

People ans Technology:

The Agriculture Revolution:

1 comment:

sierra kim neuenschwander 6th hour said...

Mrs.Nanna i played who wants to be a millionare and got 250,000.

i played global cordinantes and got a score of 7080

sierra kim neuenschwander 6th hour