Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Fourth Dimension- the Fifth Dimension???

 Invention game creation



The Fourth Dimension

Draw a straight line on a piece of paper. The line has only one dimension. Now draw a square. The square has two dimensions. A dimension is a property of space, or an extension in a given direction. Now, if you are able, draw a cube. A cube has three dimensions.

When you watch a movie in "3-D," or three dimensions, you are probably required to wear special glasses that trick your mind into seeing depth on a flat screen.

We will also work with a fourth dimension—time. The distance from the floor to the top of your head is your height. Stretching your arms out, the distance from one fingertip to the other is an example of width. Putting your hands in front of you provides you with the third dimension—depth. Think about the future. It is likely that your dimensions will change over time, so in this case, time can be considered the fourth dimension.

The sizes and shapes of nations and regions can also change over time. In 1776, the United States consisted of only thirteen states along or near the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. By 1912, 48 states stretched across the mainland of North America. The United States expanded even further west as Alaska and Hawaii joined the union in 1959.

How really big are we?

Leo da Vinci- The Renassiance Man- Inventions

Leo Di Vinci

Who was Leonardo da Vinci?
  • He had a keen eye and quick mind that led him to make important scientific discoveries, yet he never published his ideas.
  • He was a gentle vegetarian who loved animals and despised war, yet he worked as a military engineer to invent advanced and deadly weapons.
  • He was one of the greatest painters of the Italian Renaissance, yet he left only a handful of completed paintings.

Music Video- Leo Di Vinci

Saturday, February 25, 2012

the renassiance

i paint

in a nut shell....

Friday, February 24, 2012

WOW! What a Unit-!!!

We have really been learning a lot about the middle ages! We celebrate with the whole school and everyone seemed to enjoy themself!

Congrats on wonderful notebooks! I was very impressed with most of you~

For those students who need to redo their booth visits, I linked an awesome example by Tyler Royal to powerschool!

You can print from the website and use it as a resource.

Please get me those redo booth visits as soon as you can. The longer you take to redo those the less credit they are worth.

Thanks for learning along with me!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Birth of the MIddle Ages

The birth of the middle ages started around the year 500 with the fall of Rome by the Visigoths. There were many tribes throughout Europe that wanted control: like the Rus, Vikings, and the Normans. Charlemagne and his family were great leaders at this time and they even conquered England at the battle of Hastings. During this time a government called Feudalism developed that put people in a class order. This upset many people because they didn’t have freedom. This lead to the creation of the Magna Carta which allowed people the right to a jury, fair measurement, and  a court.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Black Plauge

Grab a Black Plague Fun Sheet from under my current event sign up.

Guess the multiple choice questions first--- mark around the whole question with a square.

Go back and read the non-fiction passage. Underline the answers.

Choose the correct answer by circling the letter.

When answering number 6, keep in mind..... to divide by 4.


1. B 14th century
2. B Kaffa
3. A Mongols
4. B fleas

5. C rats
6. 37,500 Paris deaths
    5,000 Nuremberg deaths
    25,000 Venice deaths

Introduction to the Middle Ages Fun Sheet- Creative Time

1. The period of history known as ancient times is said to have begun with:....B the start of the Egyptian calendar

2. The Middle Ages spanned approximately ....A 1000 years

3. Modern times date from about the year....C 1500

4. A manor was a .....B lord's estate

5. The word renaissance means...... A rebirth in learning

6. The Renaissance is considered part of.....C. Modern Times

7. How was the role of the Church in the Middle Ages different from the role of churches today?

The role of the church during the middle ages was different from the role of the church today because today we  can choose to be apart of the church. During year 500-1500 people were forced to follow the Catholic Church. Now there are a lot of churches to follow. The Church stood for the only law and order, now our government stands for law.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Religion of the Middle Ages

monk/nun- someone who devoted their life to the church and learning

monasteries- places where the monks and nuns lived

Catholic Church – the most powerful intuition during the Middle Ages

gothic - a style of architecture characterized by pointed arches, ribbed vaulting, stained glass, gargoyles

crusades- a series of religious wars between the Muslims and Christians over the holy land

We also watched a movie about monks and nuns from the History Channel.

Main ideas from the movie:

St. Benedict
monastery = abbey
power of healing
displined by no  talking
2 poison - bread and drink
wayward abby
raven stole bread
glass shattered

Creative Time

The Black Plague

bubonic plague- a sickness that occurred during the middle ages that killed 1/3 of Europe, fleas, rats, travelled with merchants on ships

epidemic - a sickness that kills many people

500ad-1500ad- the time period that is called Middle Ages

Mongols/ trade- leader is Genghis Khan, started the black plague, barbarians from North of China

buboes- glands in your neck and armpits

We watched a video "The Impact of the Bubonic Plague" from a world histor dvd.

Main ideas from movie:
Mongols from Siberia
attached Caffa and threw dead bodies with the plague into city
plague fleas were on rats
rats carried the plague on ships along traid route
ring around the rosy is about the plague
people died withing hours of knowing they had the plague
mass graves
1/3 of Europe dead
took century and a half for Europe to recover
no wars and not much farming because everyone was dead
killed rich and poor alike

Write a five sentence summary paragraph using at least five main idea points that interest you.

Creative Time