Thursday, February 24, 2011

El Dorado...redo's....anyone?

Today we are starting our new unit on Exploration!

10 booth visits (paragraphs)- 7 sentences each

Knight Bowling

This was an amazing booth. It taught us about knights. I learned that a first stage knight is called a page. Then, the page gets to graduate to a squire. After a squire, the knight gets dubbed a true knight. Knights have to follow a stict set of rules called chivarly. I would like to be a knight, but I am a girl.

Dragon Fire
This was an amazing booth. I really liked the girant dragon behind it. The art club is really talented. I got to throw the bean nags through the mouth, and I won a candy! Awesome! Their poster was really entertaining. I learned that their are dragons today like the Komodo drangon. I wish I was in their group because everything looked so beautiful.

Joan of Arc
This booth got a teacher's nod for most impressive. That buring of the barbie was so creative. I learned about who they burned witches or people they thought were witches. Joan heard voices from God and led knights into battle. That is so awesome! I don't think that I would be that brave. I can't believe that people got burned. That is so scary!

Face Painting
This booth was just fantastic. It was the second most busiest booth at the fair. It was just a nice touch to add to the bizarre. I got to paint faces. I can draw either a heart, star, kitty face, or the Aggie A. I learned that some people love J.B. (justin beiber....) I loved being able to paint faces. Kudos to that group!

Monks and Nuns
What a cute idea! Cutting out the face of a monk was brillant. I enjoyed looking like a migit and a bald monk. I learned that monks were the only people who could read back in the Middle Ages. A monk even wrote the 95 theses. His name was Martin Luther. The 95 theses split up the Catholic Church.

This was one of the most beautiful posters. I love the blue and white organization. The real life pictures was such a treat. The game was fun to play. I enjoyed getting treats too! I learned all about the different parts of the castle. I would like to live in a castle someday.

I can't believe they made 3 beautiful posters. The poster for the game was awesome! Having those nerf guuns really made that booth popular. I learned about the different parts of a ship like the mast. I even made it through the bonus hole! I liked how they wrote their names in Viking Runes on the bottom. How clever!

Remote Control Jousting
What a brillant idea! I got to play with the remote control cars when I got an answer right. I didn't win the joust though. It was really popluar and I didn't like standing in a long line. I learned about how knnights entertained and fought for the pleasure for the people. It was interesting! I wish I was  in their group.

Castle Putt-Putt
I love golf.  I was excited to see this creative booth. I made it through the castle door on like my 6th try. I learned all about castles. My favorite part was about the moat. The booth looked really professional. I liked the 3-D affect.

Farty facts
Man this booth gave me a heart attack. I couldn't take the random popping. I will never allow ballons in the Middle Ages fair again. I loved the idea though! It was so much fun watching people try and pop the balloons. I liked the name...hahah! Funny!   

Friday, February 18, 2011

Test Today

We are taking the test today.

Tuesday booths are due.  We will be in the Media Center.

No school Monday; have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tomorrow's Middle Ages/ Renassiance Test

Study your vocab!!!
What two continents make up Eurasia?
Name 3 rivers in Europe and 3 mountain ranges.

What are 5 positive things that came out of the Black Plague?

What is the time span of the middle ages?
Create the Feudalistic pyramid and, how it would look if Spring Creek was a feudal society.

What year did Rome fall and who was responsible for its demise?

What mental effects did the collapse of Rome have in leading to the Middle Ages?

Pope Urban II called on all Christian men to retake the Holy Land.  What countries are considered the Holy Land and who did they fight there?

How did the plague spread from China to England?

The Black Plague killed what fraction amount of Europeans?

Where did the Renaissance take place and when did it start?

Who invented the printing press and how did he influence the spread of knowledge?

List as many famous artists that were alive during the Renaissance?

Who wrote the 95 thesis?
To you: What was the most important thing that came out of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and why?

History is….

How do you think the Crusades affected the women of Europe?
Ponder and Respond: What do you want to make happen in this class? What do you hope know? What might be most useful?

How have the ideas in Current Events impacted your experience outside the classroom?

Do you feel the responsibility to contribute your ideas? Why?

Catch Up Day

First - Finish the letter

Second - Creative Day

Third - Review for the test

2 more days until the test!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gutenberg Movie and Make up Letters

We watched a movie on Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press.

Write a five sentence summary of facts you learned from the movie.  (Facts are actual events, not what they put in to make it a cartoon.)

To make up points missed on the funsheets you can write a three paragraph letter.
Paragraph 1: Listening - why it is important to listen to adults (example: teachers, parents, babysitters, cops)?
Paragraph 2: Responsibility - why it is important to do things completely?  (When you are an adult, you cannot do things part way.  You can't sort of pay your bills, you can't sort of stop at a stop sign, etc.)
Paragraph 3: Persuasive - explain to us why you feel you deserve the make up or extra points.

3 more days until the test.  Get studying!!!!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Grade Middle Ages Packets- Review for test Friday! Creative Day

Today we will be grading our packets as a review for the test that will be on Friday.

Geography Answers
1.       Spain
2.       United Kingdom
3.       Mediterranean Sea
4.       Warsaw
5.       London
6.       Berlin
7.       Belgium
8.       Vienna
9.       West
10.   Strait of Gibraltar
11.    France and Spain
12.   Budapest
The Black Death Answers
1.       B
2.       B
3.       A
4.       B
5.       C
6.       Paris= 37,500
7.       Venice= 25,000
8.       Nuremberg= 5,000
Introduction to the Middle Ages
1.       B
2.       A
3.       C
4.       B
5.       A
6.       C
Knights and Knighthood
1.       B
2.       D
3.       F
4.       E
5.       A
6.       C

Friday, February 11, 2011

Black Plague and Booth Presentations

We watched a music video about the Black Plague.
Click on the link to watch.

As groups, everyone presented what they have so far on their booths.

5 more day until the test
4 more creative days

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Knights and Knighthood Funsheet and Reniassance and Reformation Video

Underline answers in the text and answer the question on the funsheet Knights and Knighthood.

We watched a video on the Reniassance and Reformation.

Main ideas from video:

Florence was the center of the Reniassance
Middle Ages art focused on God
Reniassance are focused on people
Humanism - the focus of people
Leonardo De Vinci
-would cut dead people open for art and science

6 more days until the test
5 more creative days

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Introduction to Middle Ages Funsheet

Introduction to the Middle Ages funsheet; answer all the questions and highlight the answers in the text.

Test questions: The span of the Middle Ages was approximatly 1000 years.  500ad to 1500ad.  1500-500= 1000

Creative Time
7 more days until the text
6 more creative days

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Black Death Funsheet

We answered the questions on the Black Death worksheet and underlined the main idea of the story.

We watched the name video we made from the pictures taken the first few days of class.

We learned that Martin Luther (who is not Martin Luther King Jr.) wrote the 95 Theses.  The 95 Theses were a persuassive paper about how to improve the Catholic Church.  He also started the movement known as the Reformation.

Creative Time.

There are only 8 more school days until the test.  7 more creative days.  Get working on your captions!!!!!

Geography Funsheet and Creative Time

We worked on the geography funsheet and learned that Italy was the country that started the Renaissance.

We worked on our booth projects for most of the day.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Feudal System

Feudal System-  Middle Age government structure

Page-  8; boy who learned weapons; first step in obtaining knighthood; servent to both knights and squires

Squire-  14; second step in obraining knighthood; took care of knights armor, horse, and weapons

Chivlary-  a code of conduct on how to treat women; honor, truth, and obedience

Accolade-  an award; given when man becomes a knight; special cerimony

Knight-  19; a soldier who was triain to fight to defend the king

We also watched a movie on the Feudal System.

Main ideas from movie:
peasents were lowest - they worked the lords land
serfs were like peasents but they couldn't ever leave the lords land
William the Conquerer defeated England in 1066
feudal system came from France
knights paid in land not money

Write a five sentence summary paragraph about at least five of the main idea points that you find interesting.

Creative Time

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Vocab Geography of Europe- Mini-Movie - Requirements for Booth

deforestation- cutting down trees

fjords- a long narrow inlet of the sea between high cliffs

Eurasia- land mass that makes up Europe and Asia

Vikings- people who live in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark who raided the churches for riches

temperate- medium temperature

We also watched a movie on the geography of Euasia.  Click on the link below to view.

Main ideas from movie:
Mountains - Ural, Pyranees, Carpathian, Alps - know 3 for test
Rivers - Vulga, Rhine, Danube, Rone - know 3 for test
Artice Ocean - North
Atlantic - West
Mediteranian, Black, and Caspian seas
Many island
Urban - many cities
arable - good for farming
many forests
tundra - permenantly frozen land

Write a five sentence summary paragraph using at least five of the main ideas that are interesting to you.

We are going to start working on booths this week.  Here are the requirements:

One Bizarre Day in Our Class

• Beyond Poster/Booth

        o 3-D-Unique Features

        o Scrapbooked

        o Colorful Title-subtitles, content, captions

         o Organized

         o Names of Creators

         o Colorful

         o Personality

         o Crowd Impact

• Content for Beyond Poster

         o Poster must have 6 captions. A caption is at least 5 sentences. Typed up- and large enough font to read from a distance.

          o 6 subtitles- larger font than caption

          o 6 pictures that support your caption

          o Must be related to one in-depth Middle Ages concept

          o Vocabulary words defined

          o Border

• Booth Goods

          o Interactive learning experience that quizzes the player about the captions

          o Played quickly, not messy, easy to set up again

• Dress-up

          o Medival clothing that matches your poster.

          o Group needs to look like a group.

• Group Work

          o At least groups of 6

          o Treat others with dignity and respect

          o One person must always be at booth

          o Everyone must have a chance to walk around the bizarre

February 22nd , 23rd in the Media Center for new and improved parent teacher conferences. If you need to get a hold of me I will be available every day at Spring Creek until 3.

Names of Creators:

Title of Topic___________________________________________

Creative time