Monday, February 6, 2012

The Black Plauge

Grab a Black Plague Fun Sheet from under my current event sign up.

Guess the multiple choice questions first--- mark around the whole question with a square.

Go back and read the non-fiction passage. Underline the answers.

Choose the correct answer by circling the letter.

When answering number 6, keep in mind..... to divide by 4.


1. B 14th century
2. B Kaffa
3. A Mongols
4. B fleas

5. C rats
6. 37,500 Paris deaths
    5,000 Nuremberg deaths
    25,000 Venice deaths

1 comment:

Gabrielle Rallison said...

The black death was spread by diseesed rats and flees that took the rats blood. the person would eather bleed to death or litterally chough there gutes out. once one familley member was sick you know that the rest is eather dying or dead. the robin hood was a thifes name that was spreed through ot the history. they think that his name was robert hode.the robin hood we know is a cartoon dude that saves and steels but what about the reel robin hood that lived centreys ago.