Tuesday, December 21, 2010

7th hour Greek Test

List three kinds of jewelery that the greks wore? necklaces, rings, earrings, crowns

________ is a greek monster. Cyclops

Name a fact about the Ancient Greek Olympics? It was held in Olympia.

What two materials were Greek clothes made of? linen, wool

T or F Zeus had no kids. False

T or F Zeus and Posiden are brothers. True

T or F Men competed in their birthday suits during the Olympics. True

T or F Women could compete in the Olympics. False

What two items are Hades symbols? black animals, 2 pronged fork

Draw a picture of the Trojan War.

How many greek soldiers hid in the Trojan horse? 30

Name a God or Goddess. Zeus

What kinds of food did the Ancient Greeks eat? olives, lemons, lamb, garlic

__________ is a greek monster with 3 heads. Cerebus

Where did the Minatour live? In the labrynith on Crete

What two animals make up the Minatour?  bull, human

What century did the Trojan War take place? 13th

What city-state is the current capital of Greece? Athens

1 comment:

chanest said...

are they the sames 1st hr?