Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Current Events!! We only have 51 more days of school....Each student must complete 4 current events!!

Please Practice your Oral Presentations in your groups. You may put some finishing touches on your poster, brochure, or game board.

I will be passing back 1st hour packets and explaining how I graded them.

3rd and 4th- should be done tomorrow

6th and 7th- should be done by Monday

Presentations Today!!! any volunteers...?

Note taking on each explorer presentation
20 notes = A
15 notes= B
10 notes= C

Every presentation must be accompied by a summary with a title. A summary is 5 sentences with as many facts as you can fit in there.

1st hour Presenters- They did a killer job! You should have 10, 15, or 20 notes on these explorers. Please write a 5 sentence summary with a title including as many notes as you can.
Sir Francis Drake
Leif Ericksson

3rd Hour Presenters- We will finish Marco Polo tomorrow! Wonderful job Pizarro!

Marco Polo
Francisco Pizarro

4th Hour Presenters-

Marco Polo

6th hour Presenters

Henry Hudson

7th hour Presenters

Henry Husdon
Sir Francis Drake

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