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Please click on the link that says 'Practice Geography". There are 4 levels. Choose one that you think you can complete. I would like to challenge everyone to try and get to the EXPERT level.
After that, please click on the link list that says "Geography".
You will play that game and post your score! It will be out of 36 points.
I also want you to include a sentence or two about:
What is the difference between a contintent and a country?
Raise your hand when you are done!
Then, I will teach you how to condense pictures into Microsoft Word and print. I don't like to waste paper!
on lesson one i got 82%
onelesson 2 82%
Nana I got 36/36.
A county is what is inside a contenet.
the difference between a continent and a country is a continent is a large mass of land. A country is a smaller mass of land inside a large mass of land.
third one 75%
I got 36 out of 36 on the geography test.
I got 36 out of 36 a contenet is made up of cuntrys
I got 36 out of 36. It was easy once you did it for a while. So i figured it out and got a perfect score it was hard!!!
What is the difference between a contintent and a country?
a country is in a contient and a contintent is a land mass.
What is the difference between a contintent and a country?
a country is in a contient and a contintent is a land mass.
i got 36 over 36
Ms. Nana, My score on the geography quiz was 36/36 points! The diffrence between a continent and a country is that a continent is a big piece of land mass and a countries are pieces of the land mass. There are 7 continents and like 50 countries. :)
i got 36/36
The diffrent between a county and a a county is in side a continet. And a continet is much biger!!!!
Hey Ms.Nanna I got 36/36 on the geography test. The difference between a continent and a country is.......a continent is a large land mass and a country is a smaller land mass. Countries are usually inside of a continent (except for Australia it is a country and a continent).
I got 36/36. The difference between a continent and a country is that contries are in continents
I got 36 out of 36. The difference between a continent and a country is countries are what make up continents and continents are the big land masses.
36/36. The diffrens between countrys and contenets is that countrys are in the contenets.
Miss Nana I got 33/36 on my quiz! A contanent is a big sheet of land. And a contry is a part of that land.
Madelynn Hayes
i did 36;36 in my score and i did at the math.
Mrs. Nanna I got 100% on the extreme.
Mrs.Nanna i got 35/36 on the test.
The difference between a continet and a country is that a continet is the land that has the countries in it. a country has states in it.
I got 33/36 on the test. the differents is that a counrty is a large land mass and a couinent is in side a country
I got 100% on the geography quiz
Mrs.Nanna I got 36/36 the difrence between a contenent and a country is a contenent is a mass of land. a country is a land owned by gouverment.
Mrs.Nanna I got 36/36 the difrence between a contenent and a country is a contenent is a mass of land. a country is a land owned by gouverment.
the difference between a country and a continent.A continent is like they speek a different language and a continent is bigger and a country is just a little bit smaller.Also a country is by the oceans and a country is altogether.
Mrs. Nanna I got 33 out 36.
Mrs. nanna i got 33 out of 36(33/36) on the test.
a continent has contries on it.
I got 34/36.The difference between a continent and a country is a country is smalller than a continent.
On lesson one I got 100%
What is the difference between a contintent and a country?
a continent is bigger than a country and the country is in the coninent.
I got 100% on all lessons And 34/36 on the quiz!!! =D
on the test I got 34 out of 36
On lesson 2 I got 11\11
Big D here sayin' I got 100% on my geography. I learned that a continent holds countries in it. Stay in school my friends; see ya later!!
Quiz over... Perfect Score! 100%
on the real score I got all of them right. I think it was easy.
A continent is a huge island. A country is what is in the continent. Like America is a contenent and Utah is a country.
36\36 a country is a a smaller piece of land in side a contenent.
Mrs. Nana I got 36/36!!!
Continents are made up of countries,and a country is made up of states, colonies, or other things. North america is a continent, and the USA is a country.
Hi Mrs. Nanna! I got 36 out of 36!!!!!!!!!!!!!(: o:
My score was 36/36 which means that I got 1oo percent on the geography test. A country I like is Italy and France.
My score was 36/36 which means that I got 1oo percent on the geography test. A country I like is Italy and France.
I got 33/36. The diffrence between a cotinent and a country. Country is smaller than a continent.
I got 36/36 right on my geography quiz! It was super easy though. As I look at the other comments, it looks like I have to describe what a country and continent is. A continent is a big mass of land in the ocean somewhere. A country is a smaller mass of land. To make the definition more definite, a country is in the continent. Well that's it!
My score was 36 points witch is the highest score possible. I'm about to explain the difference between a continent and a country. A continent is a large group of of country's. For example Europe is a continent that contains smaller groups of land called country's. A country in Europe is Italy.
On my test I got 100%.
Mrs.Nanna I got 36 out of 36
Mrs.Nanna I got 36 out of 36
i got 36/36 on my grography test. i got it on my secound try. It was pretty easy once i found out were the south ocean was.
on the geography game I got 31 out of 36.
I got 36/36
A country is inside of a continent.
HI Mrs. Nanna!!!!! I got 36/36 on the test!!O:
The difference between a country and a continent is that continents are bigs chunks of land. Countries are the big but smaller chunks of land inside of the continents.
on lesson one i got 38%
What is the difference between a contintent and a country?
a country is inside a continent. there are only seven continents.
The difference between a continent and a country is. A continent is like Africa and Australia. A country is like Itaaly and the United States. They are kind of the same but they are totally different land.
1 is biger then a other.
My score was 34/36 both times I took the test.
The difference between a contintent and a country is a country is on top of the contintent. So that meens on the contintent is the country and in some countries cases they could be spread out across the contintent. In other countries cases like America the country takes up the intire area of our contintent. I would recomend reviewing all of the tests more than once.I believe it will help people with understanding and learning more than just doing.
Mrs. Nanna just to let you know I sent a comment saying that I got 36/36 on the geography quiz, but on power school it sais I got an F, do you know why?
The difference between a continent and and a country is a country makes ups a continent.
My score for the geography quiz was 36/36. The difference between a country and a continet is basically a continent contains many countries, in my opinion an easier way to organize countries, especially the fact that there is so many of them!
I got 32/36. The difference between a continent and a country is that a continent is a bigger mass of land than a country.
I got 36 out of 36.
The difference between a continent and a country is that a continent is a big place that has many countrys in it.
mrs nanna i got 34 out of 36
a cotenent is outside of a country.
This is jayden smith i got 36 out of 36. A continent is lots of land and a country is land inside a continent.
Hailey Smith
on the geography game I got 100%
A county is a state that has borders.
A continent is a big part of land
(I did complete this on Sept 13th in the computer lab, and I posted it. I don't know what happened, so I did it again.)
Mrs. Nanna, I got a 36/36 on the geography game. Natalie Smith
In Austrailia during Christmas, it is like our Summer. But North America's Christmas is cold. So Santa wears a Speedo in Austrailia, and waers a winter coat in North America.
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