Thursday, February 24, 2011

10 booth visits (paragraphs)- 7 sentences each

Knight Bowling

This was an amazing booth. It taught us about knights. I learned that a first stage knight is called a page. Then, the page gets to graduate to a squire. After a squire, the knight gets dubbed a true knight. Knights have to follow a stict set of rules called chivarly. I would like to be a knight, but I am a girl.

Dragon Fire
This was an amazing booth. I really liked the girant dragon behind it. The art club is really talented. I got to throw the bean nags through the mouth, and I won a candy! Awesome! Their poster was really entertaining. I learned that their are dragons today like the Komodo drangon. I wish I was in their group because everything looked so beautiful.

Joan of Arc
This booth got a teacher's nod for most impressive. That buring of the barbie was so creative. I learned about who they burned witches or people they thought were witches. Joan heard voices from God and led knights into battle. That is so awesome! I don't think that I would be that brave. I can't believe that people got burned. That is so scary!

Face Painting
This booth was just fantastic. It was the second most busiest booth at the fair. It was just a nice touch to add to the bizarre. I got to paint faces. I can draw either a heart, star, kitty face, or the Aggie A. I learned that some people love J.B. (justin beiber....) I loved being able to paint faces. Kudos to that group!

Monks and Nuns
What a cute idea! Cutting out the face of a monk was brillant. I enjoyed looking like a migit and a bald monk. I learned that monks were the only people who could read back in the Middle Ages. A monk even wrote the 95 theses. His name was Martin Luther. The 95 theses split up the Catholic Church.

This was one of the most beautiful posters. I love the blue and white organization. The real life pictures was such a treat. The game was fun to play. I enjoyed getting treats too! I learned all about the different parts of the castle. I would like to live in a castle someday.

I can't believe they made 3 beautiful posters. The poster for the game was awesome! Having those nerf guuns really made that booth popular. I learned about the different parts of a ship like the mast. I even made it through the bonus hole! I liked how they wrote their names in Viking Runes on the bottom. How clever!

Remote Control Jousting
What a brillant idea! I got to play with the remote control cars when I got an answer right. I didn't win the joust though. It was really popluar and I didn't like standing in a long line. I learned about how knnights entertained and fought for the pleasure for the people. It was interesting! I wish I was  in their group.

Castle Putt-Putt
I love golf.  I was excited to see this creative booth. I made it through the castle door on like my 6th try. I learned all about castles. My favorite part was about the moat. The booth looked really professional. I liked the 3-D affect.

Farty facts
Man this booth gave me a heart attack. I couldn't take the random popping. I will never allow ballons in the Middle Ages fair again. I loved the idea though! It was so much fun watching people try and pop the balloons. I liked the name...hahah! Funny!   

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