Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Feudal System

Feudal System-  Middle Age government structure

Page-  8; boy who learned weapons; first step in obtaining knighthood; servent to both knights and squires

Squire-  14; second step in obraining knighthood; took care of knights armor, horse, and weapons

Chivlary-  a code of conduct on how to treat women; honor, truth, and obedience

Accolade-  an award; given when man becomes a knight; special cerimony

Knight-  19; a soldier who was triain to fight to defend the king

We also watched a movie on the Feudal System.

Main ideas from movie:
peasents were lowest - they worked the lords land
serfs were like peasents but they couldn't ever leave the lords land
William the Conquerer defeated England in 1066
feudal system came from France
knights paid in land not money

Write a five sentence summary paragraph about at least five of the main idea points that you find interesting.

Creative Time

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