Friday, March 2, 2012

Focus Questions for Spanish Explorer Video for Tuesday

1. Which nations was Spain's greatest European rival for exploration and the search for riches?

2. What were the Spanish conquistadors goals for exploration?

3. What did Balboa's discovery mean to the Spanish in terms of their dreams of finding a short water route to the East?

4. Who was the Spanish explorer who discovered Flordia? Why were the Spanish exploring Flordia in the first place?

5. Who discovered the Gulf Stream? Why was this discovery important?

6. Who discovered Mexico in the name of Spain?

7. What made Cabeza de Vaca and his men different in attitude from most other Spanish conquistadors?

8. How did the book Shipwreck spread Spanish influence in North America?

9. What did Coronado discover even though he never found his fabled cities of gold?

10. Who discovered the Mississippi River in the name of Spain?

11. How has our perception of Coronado's exploration changed from that of 300 years ago? Why?

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