Thursday, October 6, 2011

Geography Unit Test

 Below is the link to our Geography Test. It will be available until 10:00pm tonight.

If you are going for an A, you have to take the test in class. If you do not have enough time, you may stay after school today and finish taking the test in my Keyboarding Lab.

If you are going for a B, you may take the test in class with your notebook and finish taking the test at home or after school.

Geography Unit Test


Nicole Price said...

I didn't finish at school so I finished at home

Quinn 2nd said...

People’s lives are affected by land and water. Land and water cover the entire earth. The study of geography includes land, water, and climate. Climate is the weather pattern of a region of the world over a long period of time. The sun is the source of all the light and warmth. The earth is spinning on its axis. The Earth traveling around the sun is revolution, it takes one year. The movement in the Earth causes seasons. Some places it is warm all the time sometimes it is cold all the time. If you live around the equator you get summer all year. Elevation is the height of an area above sea level.

Quinn Benson

2nd hour