Monday, October 17, 2011

The Sailor- Ancient Egypt

The Sailor-

The Nile was the primary highway in ancient Egypt. Early boats were made of papyrus and were easy to guide. Wooden boats as big as 100 feet long and 50 feet across appeared in the Old Kingdom. The sailor looked after the sail and repeated the pilot’s commands. The pilot used a speaking trumpet to call to men on the shore. The land of Punt, thought to be located near present day Somalia, was reached by sailing south on the Red Sea. Accounts of these expeditions do not refer to trade but rather gifts to Hathor, the goddess of Punt.


Papyrus-   is a thick paper-like material produced from the inside of the papyrus plant

expeditions- A journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, esp. that of exploration, research, or war.

Trade with Egypt and Kush

Ancient Egyptian Sun Boat

Pictures of Sun Boat

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