Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Carpenter

I got to thinking about the geography of Ancient Egypt and about the boats that we learned about yesterday. When we watched that movie....I was all.....How did they make those boats? I don't see any trees? 

Lumber was in scare supply in ancient Egypt. Finding the right wood to make coffins, boats, furniture was difficult, even as far back as the Old Kingdom. A pharaoh sometimes sent as many as 40 ships to Lebanon and Syria to bring back cedar and pine for coffins and boats. Shipwrights were extremely skilled at boat-building and could turn out a huge sailing ship in as little as 17 days. Boats provided the major means of hauling goods, materials, and passengers.

pharaoh- king/ruler...believed to be half god/ half human...could be either female or male

Critically think and respond: Why hasn't America seen a female preseident? What needs to change in order to have one?

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